Blockchains, or distributed ledger technology, promise trusted exchange of data without a watchdog. Combining game theory and cryptography, the technology is turning around the finance and insurance industries. What can blockchain technology do for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industries is the question I am asking myself since over a year.
The minds behind ShanghaiBIM have invited me to share my research at their November session. Supplychain Expert Payson Johnston from Cowdz tuned in via skype and Lijun FU 付利军from Inno Invest gave an inspiring lecture about bringing business ideas to fruition. Eliza Li from Moebius joined me and moderator Xingyu TONG from BIMbrain on the panel for Q&A.
You see a screencast of my presentation here.
Thanks to Xiaoye ZHUANG from ShanghaiBIM for inviting me and thanks to WeWorks for hosting!
Download the paper here.